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Friday, 26 March 2010
The Future of the Boredom
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The Decemberists' "Picaresque"...better album than I'd previously realized!

Wow, so there we go. Pippin the Newt Act 5 is up, and though the artwork and scans are showing their age, I am thinking it is pretty dang funny.

Check it out, guys and gals!

Now that that’s over, we’re sort of at a Boring, Rocky crossroads. I really want to continue with the Boring Rocks, and I bet there are at least four of you who agree with me.


The Boring Rocks certainly has a lot of problems, but I love it, and I realized I’ve been writing The Boring Rocks for longer than I haven’t been writing The Boring Rocks, which actually makes Fwubo my only “friend” from elementary school from whom I still “hear.” Geez. Unless you count Garlian.


So I don’t want to stop writing this. But what I would like is your help, and I think you’ll probably enjoy this anyway. Tell me! What play should Pippin do next? I was debating tackling Hamlet (with Pippin as the lead and Fwubo as Polonius, so they can battle it out again) or Richard III (with WOBBiE (the massive guy who was the Porter) as the lead), but maybe you want something by Brecht? Maybe you want to see Fwubo being forced to play the King of the Fairies?

But even more important than that is what else you want to see. Fr example, sample questions such as, which characters should be featured more often in Weeklies? Which character would you like to see less of? Is there something that bothers you about Fwubo? Do you wish Miranda C. was a recurring character? What jokes struck you as funny, and what didn’t? Should literature-themed humor be used more or less often? How awesome would a Billy Joel clone made only out of geometric shapes be?


Basically, I want to hear from you. The Boring Rocks has been about me, but it would be better if you guys could tell me of anything it needs more or less of. Let’s make this more about us.


So please! You can comment on this blog post, email me at , or even (hopefully by the end of today) join the Facebook group “I Bet The Boring Rocks Can’t Get More than 12 Fans.” It’s the Internet, guys. The age of feedback, and let’s feed.

Posted by boringrocks at 1:45 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 26 March 2010 1:49 PM EDT
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