Art! New Updates! Stuff!
Now Playing: "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns and Roses (SG listening to music you listen to? Uh-what?!)
Woo! So I haven't decided when the weekly updates are going to be yet, but today I think is a good day to update, so I added a comic. Or two. In al honesty, I haven't added them yet. I will in a minute.
I also am posting three pictures I drew and posted on my other blog, Tales from the SG Zone: A BLOG over at Bulbagarden. They're for a series of Pokemon fanart I was/am doing called Version Exclusive where I draw the characters from that series as if I don't really know what they look like and am making it up as I go.
Even if you don't like Pokemon, I'm still pretty proud of these most recent three--the group of elemental human-like Pokemon from the first series. Here's Jynx, Electabuzz, and Magmar (in that order).
I'm reading Richard III for an English project. Perhaps that means Pippin is reading it too. Who knows?
Posted by boringrocks
at 3:36 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 19 February 2009 3:39 PM EST