James Cameron's Avatar--A Special Review for a Special Film
Now Playing: Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton. Download this song, guys. You need it.
Recently, I had the fortune to watch what James Cameron, Roger Ebert, and about every other dude in the movie biz promised would be a life-changing, industry-changing masterpiece. I liked James Cameron’s Avatar, don’t get me wrong, but I ultimately found it a little disappointing. It also reminded me of something…sitting in the theater, I had a strange feeling that I’d seen this movie before, and it was probably when I was very little. Avatar, my friends, is Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest except live action. That much is obvious—even That Guy With the Glasses agrees with me. The question that remains is—what was a better Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest? I intend to answer this question using SCIENCE.
Category A—Overview:
1. Main Concept:
JCA: Magical forest people live in giant tree in harmony with nature. Humans want to tear down tree for selfish reasons. One young man, allied with the magical forest people and the young woman of the forest people, stops them.
FG: Magical forest fairy people live in giant tree in harmony with nature. Humans want to tear down tree for selfish reasons. One young man, allied with the magical forest fairy people and the young woman of the forest fairy people, stops them.
Winner: Draw
2. Cast:
JCA: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver
FG: Tim Curry, Jonathan Ward, Samantha Mathis, Robin Williams, Cheech, Chong
Winner: Fern Gully, solely because Tim Curry is consistently awesome.
3. Notable Other Films of Director:
JCA: James Cameron directed Titanic, Aliens, Terminator, and T2
FG: Bill Kroyer directed the amazing classics Computer Warriors and Technological Threat.
Winner: It was close, but I guess I’ll have to give it to Avatar.
Category A Subscore: Avatar: 1, Fern Gully: 1
Category B—Conceptual Elements:
4. Setting:
JCA: Magical far-off forest planet of Pandora
FG: Magical far-off forest planet of Australia
Winner: Avatar, because Pandora is a good radio station.
5. Everything on the Planet is:
JCA: Bioluminescent and/or hostile
FG: Bioluminescent and/or hostile
Winner: Draw.
6. People:
JCA: Eight-foot tall, almost-naked blue aliens.
FG: Five-inch tall fairies.
Winner: I cannot possibly give a point to either of these and consider myself sane.
7. Dangerous Wildlife:
JCA: Saber-toothed cat lizard hyenas
FG: A monitor lizard that sings a creepy song
Winner: This is a hard call. Both have their merits, but that song was much scarier than the lizard thing. Fern Gully by a nose.
8. Innocuous Wildlife:
JCA: Blue lemurs that made obnoxious noises
FG: Platypus, kangaroos, a cassowary with mental problems
Winner: Fern Gully, because platypuses are much better than pretty much all other animals like ever.
Category B Subscore: Avatar: 1, Fern Gully: 2
Category C—Plot Elements
9. Manner in Which Protagonist Transforms From Human to Magical Forest Person
JCA: Because of science!
FG: Because female lead said “fairy size” rather than “fairy sight” when saying a magical rhyme!
Winner: Avatar. Seriously, “sight” and “size” don’t even sound the same. Plus, hasn’t Abby Cadabby (http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Abby_Cadabby) taught us that magic doesn’t work unless it rhymes? Seriously now.
10. Flying Sidekick:
JCA: Flock of enormous pterodactyls.
FG: Robin Williams with a funny hat
Winner: Avatar, hands-down.
11. How Forced Was the Romance?:
JCA: Quite.
FG: Rather.
Winner: Fern Gully, on a scale of quite to rather.
12. How Angry Was the Chief-to-Be at the Protagonist?:
JCA: Pretty mad! He shouted a whole lot!
FG: Pretty mad! He sicced Cheech and Chong at him!
Winner: Surely siccing Cheech and Chong at someone is a surer, eviler sign of anger. Fern Gully.
Category C Subscore: Avatar: 2, Fern Gully: 2
Category D—Villainy, Plot Elements Continued
13. Villain:
JCA: Trigger-happy general stereotype
FG: A ball of slime that sounded like Nigel Thornberry on account of being voiced by Tim Curry
Winner: Tim Curry always wins. Fern Gully.
14. Villain’s Motivation:
JCA: Wants unobtanium (the made-up element with the dumbest name) and to show he’s right
FG: Apparently thrives off of destruction of the environment
Winner: Science has shown that it is impossible to give points to anything including “unobtanium.” Fern Gully.
15. Villain’s Song:
JCA: Surprisingly none.
FG: A catchy ditty about why pollution is best. Some verse about “acid rain pouring down.”
Winner: Fern Gully.
16. What the Villain Wants to Destroy:
JCA: A really big tree. I mean, this tree is really big.
FG: A less big tree.
Winner: Avatar. That tree was really big!
17. Villain’s Means:
JCA: A comically large bulldozer.
FG: A comically large bulldozer.
Winner: A comically large bulldozer.
18. Villain’s Second Strike:
JCA: Lots of planes.
FG: A comically large bulldozer.
Winner: Sorry Fern Gully, but the comically large bulldozer can only stay comical for so long.
19. Villain’s Final Strike:
JCA: A mech suit that resembled the villainous robot from RoboCop
FG: Tim Curry grows to an enormous size.
Winner: Fern Gully, because Tim Curry grew to an enormous size.
20. Villain Killed By:
JCA: An arrow tipped by a neurotoxin
FG: Magical fairy love
Winner: It is not physically possible to award points to “Magical Fairy Love.” Avatar.
Category D Subscore: Avatar: 2, Fern Gully: 5
Category E—Soundtrack and Visual Effects
21. Special Effects:
JCA: James Cameron’s incredibly high tech, state-of-the-art CGI and motion capture.
FG: Really bad early 90s hand-drawn animation.
Winner: Avatar.
22. Notable Songs Provided By:
JCA: James Horner, the guy who brought us the score to Titanic and A Beautiful Mind
FG: Raffi, the guy who brought us BananaPhone and Baby Beluga
Winner: Dude, we’re talking about freakin’ Raffi here! This guy invented the cheesy, kid-friendly novelty song! Fern Gully by a long shot!
23. Big Dance Scene:
JCA: Tribal chanting and praying to the tune of “I See You: Theme From Avatar”
FG: Fairies and friends do a groovy dance on top of a Walkman to the tune of “Tutti Frutti”
Winner: I can’t remember “I See You,” but “Tutti Frutti” has been stuck in my head since 1992. Fern Gully.
Category E Subscore: Avatar: 1, Fern Gully: 2
Category F—Miscellany
24. Preachy-ness, on a Scale of 1-10:
JCA: 7
FG: 9
Winner: Avatar, because 2.
25. Times Movie Got Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the U.S.A.” Stuck in my Head:
JCA: Once, during the “party” scene
FG: Never, Miley Cyrus wasn’t alive yet
Winner: Fern Gully, for being less like Hannah Montana.
Category F Subscore—Avatar: 1, Fern Gully: 1
Final Scores:
Avatar: 1+2+2+2+1+1 = 9
Fern Gully: 1+2+2+5+2+1 = 13
So there you have it. Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest is obviously a much better movie than James Cameron's Avatar, by 4 Goodness Points!
*See? I'm feeling BLUE in this post? Ha ha ha ha, I'm here sporadically!
Posted by boringrocks
at 10:59 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 26 December 2009 11:07 PM EST