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Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Wolverine Week Entry #3
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: a music song

Recently, the cast of the Boring Rocks were invited to attend a showing of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Don’t think they were invited by the studio; they were invited by their friend WOBBiE. Anyway, this week will be Wolverine Week here on Boredom’s Reach, as Pumpki, Groundi, Ananas and the others post their reviews of this CINEMATIC MISTERPIECE! Be warned, though—some plot elements may be spoiled by reading these reviews (not this one, though). Especially in Ghosti’s review on Tuesday. Another, fourth-wall breaking apology in advance for the fact that I seem to be channeling Chester A. Bum over here.


Reviewer 3: O-Fwubb—the One Who’d Rather Talk About the Trailers

Grade: N/A


            So I saw The Wolfman Fights Malcolm X with Fwubo and some of our friends over the weekend, and I thought it was pretty okay! That Wolfman did fight, but I’m fairly certain Taylor Kitsch may have been the worst Malcolm X I’ve seen in a movie since Kelsey Grammar played him in Malcolm X’s Last Stand a few years back.

            There were some cool trailers before this movie, though! I especially liked the one where the talking film strip told me to shut up and turn off my cell phone.

            I also liked the one for the movie where the robotic unicycle destroyed a city, and the one where the Egyptians attack Washington DC with the help of Oscar the Grouch and Darth Vader. There was also a pretty funny one where Adam Sandler played Adam Sandler, except terminally ill (which in retrospect doesn’t seem very funny). There was also one where aliens were in South Africa and also a squirrel who chased an acorn. I think I’ve seen that squirrel somewhere before, and I think he was chasing an acorn then too. I assume it was different then. So yeah, there are a lot of movies I’m now excited for! I have to ask Ananas if he has a robotic unicycle for me to borrow.



Posted by boringrocks at 3:40 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 4:32 PM EDT
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